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Associate Member Benefits


  • Welcome Packet inclusive of decal and patch

  • Line advertising in newsletter published every quarter

  • Attendance at all chapter meetings and Board of Directors (non-voting status)

  • Special recognition at all VATRO events

  • Presentation of your products or services at all meetings that have  been prearranged

  • (All ads submitted should be camera ready)


SILVER   $400

  • Includes a business card size ad in each newsletter

  • All member benefits


GOLD   $1,000

  • ½ page ad in all 4 issues of the newsletter

  • Ad on VATRO website

  • All member benefits

  • Link to your website


PLATINUM  $2,500

  • Scrolling Banner ad on VATRO website front page with link to your website

  • Monthly email blast to all members about your products or services

  • Full page ad in newsletter 4 times a year (you supply the flyer)

  • All member benefits

  • VATRO will pledge to help support you in the Virginia General Assembly with any legislative issues you might have

Contact Us

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Statewide Chapters

VATRO members meet monthly with their state chapter, annually for all, and for special events statewide as announced by the various chapters.

Central Chapter

Culpeper Chapter

Fredericksburg Chapter

Lynchburg Chapter

Northern VA Chapter

Peanut Chapter

Prince William Chapter

Roanoke Chapter

Shenandoah Chapter

Woodstock Chapter

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Be sure to visit us on facebook, like and share our posts!

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